Marty Greif

Martin Greif is a conversion rate optimization expert, author, speaker, entrepreneur, senior executive, team leader and the kind of guy who likes to see everyone win. He brings more than 25 years of sales and marketing experience to his role at SiteTuners...

Conversion Rate Optimization in 2021 and Beyond: Trends and Prospects

Conversion rate optimization has attracted significant interest in the last decade. However, most companies continue to be on the fence when it comes to a full strategic implementation. But focusing on tactical optimization can only get you so far. For organizations to fully benefit from CRO, they’ll need to hit the grindstone and upgrade their conversion knowledge and practice.

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Conversion Rate Optimization in the New Normal

The CoViD-19 pandemic changed the landscape of business forever. It compelled customers to do most of their shopping online, thereby exacerbating the downtrend of brick-and-mortar businesses. On the flip side, e-commerce experienced an unprecedented boom. Business owners were forced to focus on building and improving their digital channels to serve both existing and new customers. There was increased interest in conversion rate optimization as a strategic initiative for sustaining the record gains experienced by online retailers.

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Lean Marketing: Surviving the Impact of COVID-19

The COVID-19 situation impacts nearly all businesses in one way or another. And for online marketers, the fluctuations in budgets, site traffic, and conversions can be massive. If you’re a Delta Airlines or a Clorox, you experienced a massive downturn or upswing. However, for most organizations, the likely scenario is that marketing will be asked to get leaner. A significant number of marketing organizations will be asked to try to get more done with a smaller budget. What this means for most marketers is that as their operations get leaner, they have to get really good at picking their marketing spend.

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