How to Use Video for Conversion Rate Optimization

Summary: In this article, you will find how videos can help with your conversion rate optimization and walk your visitors through the conversion funnel to becoming a customer.  You will learn the different types of videos that you will need through each step of the process with example videos.

Did you know that you can use video for conversion rate optimization? We’re serious! 

In fact, we did an explainer video survey with our customers in 2020, to see how their videos have been performing. The results were astounding:

  1. 67% of customers reported an increase in website traffic
  2. 83% of customers said that dwell time increased on their website
  3. 55% said that having a video on their website increased conversion
  4. 83% claim that having an explainer video resulted in more business for them

How Can Video Aid Conversion Rate Optimization?

Let’s dive into 7 reasons why explainer videos are so important for your website conversion and how they remove barriers to purchasing:

 1. Getting Your Benefits Across 

An explainer video can show exactly how your product or service will benefit your leads! It’s simple really, your leads are looking for products and services that will help solve their problems. This is where video as a marketing tool comes in super handy. By showing all the key features of your product or service in a visually appealing way, you’re able to show exactly how you solve your customer’s pain points. 

 2. Removing Complexity

Video helps you simplify your offering. Sometimes a new product or service can be overwhelming, ultimately leaving potential customers with more questions than answers. Videos can take these complex concepts, and break them down in such a way that allows the customer to fully comprehend the decision they’re making. People don’t buy what they don’t understand.  So videos are a very important link between the customer and YOUR product or service. 

3. Improving Retention and Recall

Visual media is retained much faster, better, and longer than written words. It’s a proven fact. What we’re trying to say is: that people remember pretty pictures better than wordy articles! This means that having a video on your webpage would keep your product or service in the forefront of the minds of your potential customers. Ultimately, when it comes to customer conversion, your product or service will be the one that lingers in their memory for the longest, thanks to video! 

4. Reinforcing the Call to Action

No blog about CRO would be complete without the mention of a CTA. Videos are a powerful motivator – especially when there is a clear call to action at the end of the visual media. If your explainer video has a simple but striking CTA, it easily guides the viewers to the next step: conversion from a viewer to a committed, paying customer. 

5. Evoking Emotions and Surging Engagement  

Video has the advantage of taking the customer on a journey and evoking excitement and empathy. It allows you to deliver your message and call to action more effectively in a relatable way. And since psychology plays a major factor in a customer’s decision to commit to a new product or not, video is a key marketing tool to consider when it comes to the consumer decision-making process.

6. Building Trust and Credibility

You can really reinforce your brand’s identity through an explainer video, establishing your company as trustworthy and credible in the eyes of your audience. Studies show that well-produced and authentic videos are a major factor in helping consumers decide whether or not a brand is trustworthy, credible, and reputable. Simply put, the more a potential customer trusts your brand, the more likely they are to convert from potential customers to actual customers.

7. Search Engine Optimization 

Although not directly conversion-related, if people can’t find your website, they aren’t likely to convert, right? Search engines increasingly place priority on video format in their SEO algorithms, and more and more websites are including videos on their landing page in order to truly stand out. A well-optimized video increases click-through rates, generating more traffic for your website! In addition, video content is often shared more frequently than other types of content, providing an additional boost for your SEO efforts. 

How Video Marketing Ties in with the Conversion Funnel

Ahh, good old funnels! Did you know that video content can increase sales by improving every stage of your customer’s conversion journey? Making video content your best asset in aiding in conversion. There are various types of videos – and each type can assist your company in converting a lead to the next stage in your conversion funnel

Let’s take a closer look at each stage of the funnel and how video can strengthen them: 

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Stage One: Awareness

In the beginning, your potential customers are simply browsing and trying to learn more about how to solve their problems or pain points. This is your opportunity to drive traffic and boost search engine ranking by showing them short, well-produced marketing videos. This can include short-form video content, like social videos and video adverts, as well as longer content- marketing videos to raise awareness. Below is an example of a short video ad to help raise awareness:

Stage Two: Interest

At this point, your potential customers (and especially sales-qualified leads (SQLs)) are doing more specific research to find solutions. Videos that focus on product education are effective at this stage, so explainer videos and FAQ videos really shine at moving customers through the funnel. Your objective here: is to get customers interested in your brand and offering! Below is an example of a company explainer video:

Stage Three: Desire

Now we’ve reached a pinnacle moment when potential customers are on the cusp of choosing your product or service. In this stage, you need to show them how you are different from similar companies out there and how YOU can help solve THEIR problem. In-depth product demo videos, specific features videos, or tutorial videos are a great asset to help you create desire and show exactly what you have to offer. These videos can be a bit longer, as they focus on specific product or service features, in greater detail. Or they can simply explain the difference in your product offering, like the video below:

Stage Four: Action

This is the decision-making stage! Time to “close the deal”, so to speak! Case study videos and testimonials are your best options for that final persuasive nudge in the right direction. Showing how well your product has worked for other customers, or how happy they are with your service is a great way to convince new leads to take that final action. You can see an example of a filmed testimonial below:

How Can You Make This Conversion Magic Happen?

Your role is easy – hand the work over to Piehole.TV. We have an easy, proven process that includes everything you need to make a fantastic video! Such as scripting, animation, voice, sound & full creative oversight.


Expose your brand to a whole lot of customers who aren’t aware of your existence yet and get the ones who already know about you to commit. That’s it folks; the customer conversion hack!

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