FREE Guide: The Hard Truth About Your Landing Pages

Your Baby Is UglySiteTuners and Wordstream recently released a guide that contains exclusive excerpts from Tim Ash’s best-selling book Landing Page Optimization: The Definitive Guide to Testing and Tuning for Conversions. Here’s a preview:


Like a parent, you are probably very proud of your creation, and you probably can’t see it objectively. So let’s get one thing straight. It’s going to be painful to hear, but it’s true.

Your baby is ugly.

Your landing page has significant and fundamental problems that affect its business performance.

Click the image to get the complete copy of the FREE guide. SiteTuners Wordstream PDF

Let’s clarify. When we say “ugly,” we don’t just mean that it is lacking in artistic appeal(it may actually be very “pretty”). We are talking about the whole host of gross and subtle elements that contribute to your visitor’s suboptimal total experience — often without your knowledge.

You are probably invested in your role as a competent online marketing professional and are justifiably proud of your skills and experience. Other people in your organization are paying you for this knowledge and expect you to know what you are doing.

But let’s take a look at the reality of the situation. Conversion rate optimization is a complicated activity requiring diverse skill sets. You are more than likely not trained in all the important skill sets necessary to become a world-class website optimizer.

Some of these skill sets include:

  • Usability principles and user-centered design
  • Psychology and motivation
  • Neuroscience
  • Social psychology and persuasion
  • Web analytics and statistics
  • Direct-response copywriting
  • Visual and website design

Even if you are trained or have experience in some of these skills, it’s the well-rounded and deep combination of them all that is likely to produce results.

Please check your ego and biases at the door. The first step is admitting that you have a problem.

Get the FREE guide and learn:

  • The 7 deadly sins of landing page design 
  • How to identify opportunities for improvement
  • Strategies and steps to test, fix, and optimize your page

Get the FREE guide ▸

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