Conversion Rate Optimization in the New Normal

Conversion Rate Optimization In The New Normal

2020 was an extremely challenging year.

We all felt the dread and uncertainty as the CoViD-19 pandemic wrought havoc on lives and businesses. The government tried to contain the virus by imposing lockdowns. Businesses were forced to close. Unemployment rose. The stock market fell. Price gouging became rampant as people engaged in panic buying.

Everyone did their best to survive and overcome this unseen enemy. People avoided crowded places. We sheltered in the safety of our homes. Businesses shifted to remote work to avoid catching the deadly bug.

We braced ourselves for the worst and planned for recovery in the new normal.

New normal business and digital transformation

Now the world has changed forever. 

The pandemic accelerated the adoption of digital channels. Both sellers and consumers had to alter the way they did business. Shoppers were compelled to rely on digital channels and marketplaces to safely buy essential goods. Online shopping became the norm even for people who never bought online before. These changes in consumer buying habits and purchase behaviors, in turn, spurred the digital transformation of businesses. 

In a sense, the pandemic fast-tracked the shift to digital on a global scale. It created an unprecedented boom in e-commerce with a significant impact for online retailers:

  • The boom benefited businesses that already had a strong online presence. Online retailers reported record sales during the early months of the pandemic 
  • Other players, who neglected their online channels for so long, struggled. They scrambled to get their digital presence in order so they could remain in business

Of course, the surge in demand also created new challenges among e-commerce players. For one, online retailers were confronted with fulfillment problems arising from supply chain issues. Another challenge was the stiffer competition that resulted from more retailers migrating to digital channels.

Conversion rate optimization during CoViD-19 became a critical task for businesses as the bulk of transactions moved online. Websites had to have a high level of usability to serve customers who were new to online transactions. Digital channels had to deliver superior user experience to retain customers. Having an optimized, seamless digital presence became even more crucial to success in the new normal.

Small victories during a crisis

In spite of – and because of – the challenges posed by CoViD-19, we at SiteTuners are immensely grateful for some victories in 2020. 

Conversion Rate Optimization Book Authored by Our Very Own Martin Greif

Marty Greif Book CoverSiteTuners President Martin Greif’s book True Connections: Relationship Marketing in the Digital World was published this year. The book shows digital marketers how to use psychological principles to gain a deep understanding of consumers. It also guides digital marketers in diagnosing and addressing the conversion barriers on their websites and other digital channels.

This publication couldn’t have been more timely for business owners and marketers who are just now beginning to realize the importance of having an optimized digital presence.

Top Conversion Rate Optimization Company

SiteTuners has also been honored with several recognitions this year. We’re proud that the work we do as a conversion optimization-focused company has resulted in these recognitions: 

Award Best Conversion Rate Optimization Companies

  • SiteTuners was listed in PromotionWorld’s Top 10 Conversion Rate Optimization Companies. The list names the world’s best conversion rate optimization firms with a well-established track record and a proven methodology for increasing website conversion rates.  



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  • SiteTuners was included in Neil Patel’s list of 8 Best CRO Companies of 2020. Neil noted that SiteTuners “is one of the most well-known CRO companies in the world” and lauded the fact that we “focus on helping every business they can.” Getting that from Neil Patel is a very big deal for anyone in the digital marketing space.


We are thrilled that our hard work is being recognized. As one of the pioneers in the conversion rate optimization space, we’ve witnessed the birth and growth of the CRO industry. But more than this, it also makes us happy to contribute to the rise of CRO. We’re glad that the industry continues to grow and is getting the attention it deserves.

CRO: A Must for New Normal Business

The pandemic brought crisis but it also had its silver lining for digital marketing. 

Among the biggest impacts of 2020 is that business owners finally saw the need for web and mobile optimization, personalization, and great user experience in order to successfully serve old and new customers. 

So we end this year immensely thankful to still be standing. 

It will be an illusion to think that the next year will be devoid of setbacks.  However, we are hopeful that we will at least be able to cope with the rapid pace of changes that have been set into motion. 

Things will never be the same in the New Normal. But we are optimistic that the future is going to be better. If anything, the digital marketing community is in a unique position to emerge stronger from the crisis brought by the pandemic. So long as digital marketers persist in improving their craft, in achieving a better understanding of customers, and in remaining nimble and adaptable to extraordinary circumstances, they will succeed.

As for our clients, we’ll continue to be committed to exceeding your expectations with our services. We’ll use our thought leadership in helping businesses learn about conversion rate optimization. We’ll be your partner in creating a strong online presence founded on delightful customer experiences. 

You can count on us to help you recover your footing in a world that has been abruptly thrown off balance. We’re deeply grateful for your trust and support and look forward to more conversions and a thriving business for all.

Here’s to a kinder 2021.


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