Catch Tim Ash at Content Marketing Conference 2018

tim-ash-at-content-marketing-conference-2018If you’re heading to the Content Marketing Conference, be sure to attend SiteTuners CEO Tim Ash’s workshop and session.

Workshop: Conversion Rate Optimization Masterclass

May 2
8:00 am – 12:00 pm

Stop leaving money on the table with poorly performing websites and landing pages. Changes in website efficiency can dramatically improve the profitability of your online marketing programs.

Join Tim in this fast-paced and practical hands-on training that will provide you with a crash course in conversion rate optimization (CRO).

Session: The Four Pillars of Building Trust and Driving Performance Online

May 4
10:20 am – 11:00am

Websites and landing pages create anxiety and uncertainty for visitors. If people are to act or transact with you, these concerns must be alleviated and overcome. This is extra challenging to do online, as you only have seconds to establish trust.

In this session, Tim will show you how to effectively use the Four Pillars of Trust to reach your online conversion goals. Learn how …

  • appearance,
  • authority,
  • social proof, and
  • transactional assurances

… can boost the effectiveness of your landing pages.

See you there!

Content Marketing Conference
4th Annual Conference and Expo
May 2-4, 2018 | Boston Westin Waterfront

Check out the event web site ▸

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