Alexander Svensson

Alexander is a passionate digital marketing professional and highly experienced business strategist with clear thinking. He describes himself as a skilled director of optimization, boasting 10+ years of experience in marketing, conversion rate optimization (CRO), AB testing...

Free Webinar: How to Build Trust and Boost Revenue on Your Ecommerce Site This Black Friday/Cyber Monday

Join TrustedSite in a free webinar on building a trustworthy website so you can boost your revenue this Black Friday and Cyber Monday. In this presentation, TrustedSite Content Lead Alysse Phipps will share 5 actionable tips to build trust with new website visitors so you can take advantage of the holiday traffic surge.

Free Webinar: How to Build Trust and Boost Revenue on Your Ecommerce Site This Black Friday/Cyber Monday Read More »

collage of a computer screen with analytics data on surrounded by other data reports

Essential Google Analytics Features: The Setup and Reports Online Marketers Need

If you’re new to web analytics, finding your way around can be quite intimidating. Even if you’re using a standard tool like Google Analytics, there’s so much you CAN do that it can be difficult to determine what you SHOULD do. Should you report on the pages with the most visits? What about the areas where a disproportionate number of people leave? Should bounce rate be your main consideration to find what’s broken, or should you focus on finding conversion points where conversions are not really happening? There’s a lot to think about, but you can make it easier on yourself by thinking through the initial setup and prioritizing a few critical reports first.

Essential Google Analytics Features: The Setup and Reports Online Marketers Need Read More »

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