FREE Webinar: A/B Test Your Way to More Revenue

Ab Test Your Way To More Revenue Free WebinarThe COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the growth of e-commerce as more people rely on digital channels to make their purchases while staying at home.

This trend will continue into the New Normal, with consumers continuing to be fearful of exposing themselves to the risk of infection and thereby preferring to shop online. 

The e-commerce boom will be a big boon to businesses and brands, but it will also result in stiffer competition. In this environment, ecommerce players that can differentiate themselves from the rest by providing highly relevant offers and an outstanding user experience will be poised for success.

So if you operate in the e-commerce space, now is the time to do what you’ve probably been putting off for so long: optimize your website. Start A/B testing your offers to find out which of them is more compelling for visitors. Use testing to get to know more about your customers and what they want from your website. 

Join SiteSpect for an exciting webinar discussing A/B testing best practices. In this webinar, SiteSpect Senior Optimization Consultant Paul Terry will show you how to:

  • Build optimization roadmaps
  • Measuring the success of tests, and
  • Driving conversions and revenue through testing.

About the Presenter:

Paul Terry , Senior Optimization Consultant, has been working with SiteSpect and their clients, helping to optimize site conversion for well over a decade. Paul holds a BS in Computer Science and worked as a software engineer for many years before he discovered AB Testing. In his down time, Paul enjoys playing piano, photography, and traveling with his wife and two daughters. 

June 10, 2020, Wednesday
1:00 PM ET / 10:00 AM PT

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