5 Lead Gen Landing Page Design Tips to Improve Conversion

5 Lead Gen Landing Page Design Tips to Improve ConversionLanding page design is at the heart of all your online marketing efforts. Regardless of how you drive traffic to your site, visitors will interact with your landing page and decide whether to stay on or leave your site based on this interaction. Needless to say, your ability to convince visitors that you’re the right business to deal with depends on the efficiency of your lead gen landing page design.

As landing pages are the lifeblood of successful lead generation, a well-designed page is imperative to keep the visitor from hitting the back button. Here are some things to remember:

1. Make your call-to-action stand out

For your visitors to take your desired action, they have to know what it is that you want them to do, so make sure your CTA and form are not dominated by other photos or other graphic elements. Call out your CTA by using an anchor point that will draw your visitor’s attention, and use bland colors for the rest of the page.

Remember: If something doesn’t support the CTA, then you don’t need it on the page.

2. Ask only for information that’s absolutely necessary

Most people think it’s not worth filling out form fields that are unnecessary to complete a transaction. The amount of information you ask from visitors should be commensurate to what you are giving them.

Also, don’t break your promise to the visitor. If the button says “Download,” then the visitor will expect to see the file on the next page instead of a long form asking for a lot of information.

Remember: Ask for the minimum amount of information needed to move forward.

3. Cut back on the text

People generally don’t read on the web. Instead of using paragraph forms, use  bullet points, headlines, and hypertexts for people to drill down for deeper information.

Remember: Cut the text you originally have into half and remove adjectives you can’t substantiate factually.

4. Avoid visual distractions

Using motion on the page that does not support your CTA is detrimental to conversion because our brain cannot help but pay attention to motion. Also, chat pop-ups that are difficult to close ruin the user experience. Chat help that appears when you get to a page is unnecessary because the visitor has not had time to look at the page, and it blocks the visitor from seeing the page.

Remember: If there’s no compelling reason to use rotating banners or sliders and entry pop-ups, remove them. Exit pop-ups are okay because the visitor is about to leave anyway.

5. Use trust symbols

Online trust is difficult to establish if your company does not have brand recall. Get people to see you’re trustworthy by showing you protect visitor information, keeping your page’s design professional, borrowing authority (i.e. showing reviews and awards, marquee clients, media mentions, and trade associations), and showing social proof.

Remember: Put important trust symbols above the fold. On desktops and laptops, only 20% of the visitor attention is devoted to elements that require scrolling. If your trust symbols are below the fold, the average user will not see them.

Putting It All Together

Your visitor’s first impression of your landing page spells the difference between a conversion and a bounce, so make sure you give your landing pages the attention they deserve.

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