Tim Ash to Keynote iMetrics Moscow 2016

Tim Ash Imetrics

If you’re in Moscow, be sure to catch SiteTuners CEO Tim Ash’s keynote and workshop at iMetrics Moscow 2016.

iMetrics is an annual conference  featuring workshops, discussions,and case studies on web analytics and effective online marketing.

Keynote : The Four Pillars of Building Instant Trust Online

November 17

14:00 – 15:30

When web visitors land on a page, one of the things they ask themselves is if they feel good about the site. And the answer to this question could spell the difference between a conversion and a bounce.

While the appearance of the page is critical in building trust, there are other elements that you need to pay attention to if you want visitors to move along the conversion path.

Find out how to instantly establish credibility and trust online in Tim’s keynote.

Crash Course in Conversion Rate Optimization

November 18

10:00- 14:30

Learn how to improve conversion rates by applying “The Matrix” methodology.

“The Matrix” is a framework for understanding your audience from a user-centered design perspective, and ensures that you consistently get more of right people through the right activities in the right order.

Tim will walk you through:

    • Defining mission-critical parts of your website
    • Defining and measuring the appropriate conversion action
    • Segmenting your online audience into roles
    • Breaking down each role into specific tasks (“use cases”)
    • Understanding key decision-making steps (awareness, interest, desire, action)
    • Understanding the psychology of your audience and their cognitive styles

Check out the event website ▸

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