How to Convert Your Online Visitors on Your Website

Make Web Visitors Do What You Want

Conversions are the holy grail in digital marketing.

But how exactly do you get your website visitors to do what you want them to do?

This is what SiteTuners President Martin Greif discusses with Dr. Jeremy Weisz, Founder of Inspired Insider, in Dr. Weisz’s latest Inspired Insider podcast episode titled “How to Make Your Website Visitors Do What You Want.”

In the podcast, Martin bares the rationale behind SiteTuners’s website design and talks about some of the best practices that we at SiteTuners use when optimizing client websites. He also does a critique of Dr. Weisz’s Rise25 website, as well as share ideas on conversion rate optimization for blogs, the CRO process and tools, and improving online trust and credibility.

Here’s a great takeaway from the entire exchange:

Conversion rate optimization is about communicating your value proposition in the way the other person gets it. And if you’re not doing that, you’re not converting.” – Martin Greif

Watch the video to learn:

  • The different iterations of the SiteTuners website and what’s driving them
  • Conversion elements of the SiteTuners website you can implement on your website now
  • How to optimize your blog page for conversion
  • Tools for conversion rate optimization
  • When — and how — to do an A/B test for your website conversions
  • Case study: the Coastal Insurance conversion rate optimization example
  • How to build trust, show credibility, and convert better through your website
  • Martin’s favorite books
  • The story of how Martin took an unplanned communication training that changed his life

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