Free Webinar: Lessons Learned from Watching 200K User Testing Videos

making web visitors madNielsen Norman Group founders Jakob Nielsen and Don Norman, in their definition of user experience (UX), noted that “the first requirement for an exemplary user experience is to meet the exact needs of the customer, without fuss or bother.”

Most companies, however, seem not to meet this requirement as Forrester Research reported in 2012 that 97% of websites fail at UX.

Your site failing at UX means frustrated users and lost business.

If you’re keen on improving your site’s user experience, then you should not miss the webinar with UserTesting’s Chief Operations Officer Chris Hicken. Nobody sees the consequence of angry, frustrated or confused visitors more than the folks at UserTesting. They’ve watched more than 200,000 user testing videos and can tell you how to avoid the most common conversion-killing, maddening UX mistakes.

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