Free Webinar: Joe Pulizzi’s 5 Essentials to Epic Content Marketing for Business

5 essentials to epic content marketingJoe Pulizzi is a name that has become nearly synonymous to content marketing. He’s the Founder of Content Marketing Institute, author of the book Epic Content Marketing, and a leading evangelist in the field.

We hosted Joe on a FREE webinar on June 11 where he discussed the latest content marketing research and dived into the five essentials for business marketing success.

He told  us the whys and hows of …

  1. setting goals for content marketing
  2. creating a content marketing mission statement to drive your business
  3. focusing on subscribers over likes and fans
  4. developing an influencer program to drive subscriptions
  5. jumpstarting your content marketing program with partnerships

If raising your content marketing game is one of your goals this year, this is a discussion you wouldn’t want to miss.

Watch this FREE webinar ▸

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