Marketing ROI

Practical Tips to Optimize Conversion Rates in the Age of COVID-19

Conversion Rate Optimization in the Age of COVID-19

For most companies, digital has always been an important component of their business. However, COVID-19 has made your website even more critical. Transactions that would have happened in brick-and-mortar stores are now being conducted online. If you’re just getting your feet wet in digital marketing, you’ll find the discussion between SiteTuners President Marty Greif and WSI Managing Director Gerardo Kerik useful. The entire chat is worth listening to if you want to learn how you can improve your conversion rate optimization during these critical times. If you’re short on time, here’s the CliffsNotes version.

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Lean Marketing: Surviving the Impact of COVID-19

Lean Marketing: Surviving the Impact of COVID-19

The COVID-19 situation impacts nearly all businesses in one way or another. And for online marketers, the fluctuations in budgets, site traffic, and conversions can be massive. If you’re a Delta Airlines or a Clorox, you experienced a massive downturn or upswing. However, for most organizations, the likely scenario is that marketing will be asked to get leaner. A significant number of marketing organizations will be asked to try to get more done with a smaller budget. What this means for most marketers is that as their operations get leaner, they have to get really good at picking their marketing spend.

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