Catch Tim Ash at Content Marketing Conference 2017

Tim Ash At Cmc

If you’re attending the 3rd Annual Content Marketing Conference and Expo, be sure to catch SiteTuners CEO Tim Ash as he conducts a crash course on CRO and keynotes on ending the rift between marketing departments.

Tim’s workshop and keynote schedule:

Conversion Rate Optimization Masterclass

8:00am – 12:00pm Apr 11

How much money are you leaving on the table with poorly performing websites and landing pages? Changes in website efficiency can dramatically improve the profitability of your online marketing programs. This fast-paced and practical hands-on training will provide you with a crash course in conversion rate optimization (CRO).

Keynote: Ending the War Between Branding & Direct Response

3:15pm – 4:00pm Apr 13

There is a war going on in marketing departments that’s wasting our time, missing big opportunity, and costing us revenue. On the one side are the guardians who stand firm on brand purity. On the other side are the mavericks who are willing to test anything to boost conversion and sales.

In this keynote, Tim will lay out a mediation plan and comprehensive framework for uniting these seemingly intractable positions and harnessing their combined powers to achieve spectacular results.

Tim will talk about …

  • Key concepts for understanding the power and limitations of brands
  • How brands subconsciously frame the direct-response offer
  • How to create a framework for powerful brand and direct-response synergies

Content Marketing Conference
3rd Annual Conference and Expo
April 11-13, 2017 | Boston Westin Waterfront

See you there!

Check out the event web site ▸

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