Alejandro De Mosteyrin Muñoz

Scarcity Marketing in E-commerce: How Fear is Part of the Conversion Process

Scarcity Marketing in E-commerce: How Fear is Part of the Conversion Process

Website visitors have some level of fear about not accomplishing their task. Scarcity marketing can nudge some of those visitors to convert. Learning to harness scarcity marketing and understanding how to manage shopper concerns are both critical to increasing conversion rates.

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5 Best Practices to Improve Your Website's Mobile Experience

5 Best Practices to Improve Your Website’s Mobile Experience

Mobile experience is hard to get right primarily due to the limitations of the small screen. But with mobile traffic now surpassing desktop, it’s no longer enough to just create “mobile-friendly” websites. Businesses now need to put in the extra effort of designing exceptional user experiences for their visitors on mobile, paying attention to navigation, speed, ease-of-use, and other usability concerns.

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Practical Tips to Optimize Conversion Rates in the Age of COVID-19

Conversion Rate Optimization in the Age of COVID-19

For most companies, digital has always been an important component of their business. However, COVID-19 has made your website even more critical. Transactions that would have happened in brick-and-mortar stores are now being conducted online. If you’re just getting your feet wet in digital marketing, you’ll find the discussion between SiteTuners President Marty Greif and WSI Managing Director Gerardo Kerik useful. The entire chat is worth listening to if you want to learn how you can improve your conversion rate optimization during these critical times. If you’re short on time, here’s the CliffsNotes version.

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