Robyn Benensohn

Website testing checklist - Usability Tests, User Acceptance Tests, and AB Tests Explained

Website Testing Checklist: Usability Tests, User Acceptance Tests, and AB Tests Explained

Let’s say your company needs to improve the product navigation experience. You will need to test. But which one do you use? Usability tests, user acceptance tests, or A/B tests? And when do you apply all of those? This is where a website testing checklist can help.

Website Testing Checklist: Usability Tests, User Acceptance Tests, and AB Tests Explained Read More »

When to A/B Test: Website Redesign vs Split Testing

When to A/B Test: Website Redesign vs Split Testing

Sometimes, you have to tweak, edit, and optimize – maximize the conversions your existing website has. Other times, you have to think about burning the whole thing down and doing a website redesign. The thing is, it can be real pain understanding when to do an A/B test and when to do a much larger overhaul. And the stakes are high. If you try optimizing while you have a host of technology issues and structural problems, you’ll be plateauing instead of pushing the business forward. If you redesign a website that just requires tweaks, you can waste a lot of time, money, and energy before things get better. Thankfully, there are a few things you can observe to make sure you’re doing the right thing. Here’s how you know when you need a redesign versus when to do an A/B test.

When to A/B Test: Website Redesign vs Split Testing Read More »

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